
Components of an Effective Email Contact List

On the surface, creating a business email list is just for keeping in contact with current customers, potential customers, and other business owners. But today I’m going to prove that it doesn’t stop there. An email contact list actually benefits the rest of your online marketing plan in several ways! Read on for the how-to [Read more…]

Social Media Tip: If Your Business Isn’t Using Facebook, Your Competitors Are!

There is a common misconception among small business owners that due to the specialized and localized nature of their business, they think they won’t benefit from having a business page on Facebook. They look at large corporations like Coke and General Motors who boast hundreds of thousands of Facebook Fans, and chalk up their success [Read more…]

Social Media Tip: Why Facebook Makes You Human

AMG has been buzzing with excitement this past week over the newest addition to our family. Peter Shea welcomed a beautiful new baby girl named Elsie Lu to his family! Sharing the joy of a new baby on our Facebook pages serves as the perfect example of why it’s so important for your business to [Read more…]

Birds of a Feather: Targeted Marketing vs. Phone Book Ads

I recently had a newer client come to me asking us to redesign his local phone book ad.  I’ve been saying for years that the phone book is dead…and it’s not hard to see why.  Here in Denver, we’re buried under an avalanche of different yellow pages, and there’s simply no way to be in [Read more…]