
Paid Search versus Search Engine Optimization

What’s the difference between paid search and search engine optimization? Do I have to pay for SEO? Isn’t AdWords the same thing? We hear questions like these from small business clients all the time. As the Internet continues to grow and evolve, so does online marketing. But SEO and PPC are two different things, with [Read more…]

New Facebook ‘Add A Link’ Tool

Picture this: You read an article about the Mad Men finale on the train to work. Once at work you decide your friend, Tom, would enjoy the article so you open Facebook to share it with him. Since you no longer have the article open on your screen, you head to Google to search for [Read more…]

Why your Opinion Matters (and mine does too!) – The Importance of Customer Reviews

Anytime you buy a product online, chances are good you’ll receive a follow up email within a few days with a link to leave a review on their site. You can even spot print-outs or posters in stores, codes at the bottom of receipts, social media requests – so why do so many companies ask [Read more…]

Countdown to “Mobilegeddon” – Google’s Mobile Update launches April 21

Today marks the final 5 days before Google releases its next algorithm update, slotted for Tuesday, April 21, 2015. And the chatter hasn’t died down. Experts across the web design, search engine optimization, paid search, and content marketing industry are chiming in: Mark the date: April 21. It’s not just another update from Google – [Read more…]

The Critical Difference between “Mobile-Friendly” and “Responsive” Websites

As small business owners, we’ve all seen the trends and heard the stats – so we all know the importance of being found on mobile. More than half of consumer time spent on the internet is on mobile devices — Are you where your customers are looking? Nearly half of consumers say they won’t return [Read more…]

SEO is Dead! The Birth of Mobile Marketing

Search Engine Optimization. We have all heard of it, and as small business owners we have all worked tirelessly to achieve that coveted top spot of the search engine God we know as Google. We all know about SEO’s dark past, Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithm updates, and that Google’s obsession with cute, black and [Read more…]

What is Mobile Marketing? And Why does it Matter?

If you’ve kept up with the business advice and trends across the web over the past couple years, you’ve probably heard that you need a mobile strategy and mobile marketing to stay relevant and competitive. With all this hype, we’ve talked to many small business owners who are thrown into a panic, frozen with fear [Read more…]

Beware of these “Buzzwords” in 2015: Multiple Websites

One business having multiple websites is not a good thing. We have been seeing more and more of this type of activity, especially when it comes to hiring companies to run Adwords or PPC campaigns. The keys to any successful Adwords campaign are not only optimized, well-researched keyword and ad development, but also well optimized [Read more…]

Beware of these “Buzzwords” in 2015: Duplicate Content

There has been, and will continue to be, a lot talk in SEO and webmaster circles about duplicate content. Not just duplicate content within one website, but also having duplicate or multi versions of the same website. This conversation has taken off now and will continue going into 2015. There is also a lot of [Read more…]

Meet Dr. Dean

We get requests from people almost daily wanting more information about what makes a good website. I have spoken to owners of auto repair shops, fishing charters, dry cleaners, pediatric clinics… and too many others to count. (If you guessed that we love to support the small business community, you’d be 100% correct!) They want [Read more…]