
Beware of these “Buzzwords” in 2015: Multiple Websites

One business having multiple websites is not a good thing. We have been seeing more and more of this type of activity, especially when it comes to hiring companies to run Adwords or PPC campaigns. The keys to any successful Adwords campaign are not only optimized, well-researched keyword and ad development, but also well optimized [Read more…]

Beware of these “Buzzwords” in 2015: Duplicate Content

There has been, and will continue to be, a lot talk in SEO and webmaster circles about duplicate content. Not just duplicate content within one website, but also having duplicate or multi versions of the same website. This conversation has taken off now and will continue going into 2015. There is also a lot of [Read more…]

Meet Dr. Dean

We get requests from people almost daily wanting more information about what makes a good website. I have spoken to owners of auto repair shops, fishing charters, dry cleaners, pediatric clinics… and too many others to count. (If you guessed that we love to support the small business community, you’d be 100% correct!) They want [Read more…]

Four Easy Ways to Boost Online Reviews

On July 24, 2014, Google rolled out their new algorithm update, named Pigeon by Search Engine Land, which ties deeper into Google’s local web search capabilities. This means the search engine giant is putting more value on brands that have online reviews on local review pages such as Google+ and Yelp.com. What does this mean [Read more…]

Negative SEO Attempting to Extort Website Owners

While the recent attempts by organizations to blackmail/extort webmasters and website owners are not necessarily new, they might be new to many of you. We wanted to take a moment and help you understand what is going on out there in cyberspace, including some ways you can combat these threats. Essentially what is happening this [Read more…]

Top 5 Adwords Mistakes By Small Business Owners

Let’s face it, Adwords is a fantastic and quick way to reach potential customers. It has grown especially important for small business owners who are seeing previous methods of bringing in new customers dry up in terms of productivity. Older marketing mediums such as newspapers and yellow page ads are becoming harder to pull new [Read more…]

How Much Does Adwords Cost?

How much does Adwords Cost?  This is a very common question that we hear from SME (Small to Medium sized Enterprises) businesses who have never had any kind of experience in marketing their business online or are just dipping their toe into online advertising. Before we delve into the mindset you need to have in [Read more…]

Can Paid Search Ads Improve Brand Awareness?

Google recently came out with the results from a study they conducted with Ipsos MediaCT in 2013 around branding and addressed the question of whether or not paid search ads improve brand awareness.  The results of the study really confirm what a lot of us in the internet marketing field have been saying for years, [Read more…]

Using Adwords and SEO Together For an Effective Marketing Strategy

Search Engine Optimization and Paid Search Advertising are both individually effective strategies in promoting your services or brand online, but together, they can be a powerhouse. Cohesiveness between the two helps to build a highly effective campaign with the most profitable keywords and content. Added Exposure: Brand Recognition The more your logo and name are [Read more…]

Factors That Cause Changes in Organic Search Engine Rankings

There are many factors that can affect your page’s search engine ranking. Fortunately, you can control most of them. Although all major search engines keep their algorithms private, there are factors that have remained true over time no matter what changes are made to the algorithms. Certain factors, such as social media presence and online [Read more…]