
Email Marketing-Creating A Perfect Campaign

Email marketing is as crucial of a component as social media marketing when it comes to growing your company. With the right execution, an email marketing campaign can be highly effective in helping your business gain potential customers and establishing your brand further. It’s important to remember there is a method to the madness in creating the right kind of campaign to engage consumers. Here are some crucial aspects your email marketing campaigns need to embody to reach your target audience.

Connect with your customers – don’t be spammy.

Email marketing needs to be special.  Don't send out mass emails that look like spam!

When creating an effective email marketing campaign, it is crucial to remember there is a real human on the other end of the computer. Sending a mass email template to your email contacts doesn’t make customers feel special; it makes them feel like they’re just another name on your list.

You took time and effort to build that email contact list, and you can damage the relationship and trust you built by sending out something that isn’t personalized.

Building a relationship is hard, but it’s worth doing if you want a loyal client base. Keeping your tone personable and approachable will make customers feel they are cared about, and not just a statistic.

Exude Professionalism in every Email- and edit, edit, edit!

Never underestimate the ability of a typing error or misspelled word to completely discredit your whole email marketing campaign. Testing your links, centering your headings and editing your grammar should be done again…and again…and again.

 Even the smallest grammatical or spelling error could make your brand look amateurish. Professionalism should always be a top priority and a standout quality in your company.

Presentation and content is everything in Email Marketing.

Every day, your customers’ inboxes are flooded with all types of email- personal, business, spam, etc. Your job is to make your email campaign stick out above the others and not only be noticed, but be opened and read.

What makes your email marketing campaign stick out from the many other emails stacking up in someone’s inbox?

Make sure the content and email are aesthetically pleasing. There is a higher likelihood of an email being opened if the preview is pleasing to the eye. Keep the subject line short and to the point. Let customers know what exactly it is they are opening and why it should be enticing to them.

The future of email marketing will continue to present both opportunities and challenges for marketers and just as marketing evolves, it will require change and adaptation. With attention to past mistakes as well as successes, we can all create successful email marketing campaigns to strengthen our brands and companies for years to come.

Ready to start your own email marketing campaign? Call AMG today at 303-703-8000 or contact us online to learn how to integrate email marketing into your marketing strategy!


  1. I love the last point Presentation and content is everything in Email Marketing. Unless the user will not get something that impresses or insist him to open and stay on the link its not worth to rum email campaign. Amazing article.

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