
The Benefits of Professional Website Design

If you’re a small business owner just getting started on the web, you’ll find there are many tools available for creating your own site. We understand it’s tempting to give them a try, but before you jump in, consider the benefits of using a professional designer along with an integrated marketing plan from a marketing [Read more…]

Factors That Cause Changes in Organic Search Engine Rankings

There are many factors that can affect your page’s search engine ranking. Fortunately, you can control most of them. Although all major search engines keep their algorithms private, there are factors that have remained true over time no matter what changes are made to the algorithms. Certain factors, such as social media presence and online [Read more…]

Why Your Website Should be Built in WordPress

50 million and counting. That’s the number of websites that the content management system WordPress is running. If you are not a web developer, you may not have heard of WordPress but anyone looking to get the most out of their online marketing should learn the basics. Use WordPress to build your website You’ve probably [Read more…]

Understanding Keyword Density

When a writer takes on the task of developing SEO content for a web page, he or she can commit an SEO copywriting faux pas and run into problems. Keyword density, although an integral part of an effective SEO strategy, can lead to more damage than benefit if it becomes an obsession. A copywriter who [Read more…]

Responsive Design: Does My Small Business Website Need It?

The tech and social media website Mashable has declared that 2013 is the “YEAR OF RESPONSIVE DESIGN.” But what IS responsive design? And is it either practical or necessary when looking at features for a small business website? Without spoiling too much of the rest of the article, the answer to that second question is [Read more…]